<!--...--> | Specifies a comment | |
<!DOCTYPE> | Specifies the document type | |
<a> | Specifies a hyperlink | |
<abbr> | Specifies an abbreviation | |
<address> | Specifies an address element | |
<area> | Specifies an area inside an image map | |
<article> | Specifies an article | NEW |
<aside> | Specifies content aside from the page content | NEW |
<audio> | Specifies sound content | NEW |
<b> | Specifies bold text | |
<base> | Specifies a base URL for all the links in a page | |
<bdi> | For bi-directional text formatting | NEW |
<bdo> | Specifies the direction of text display | |
<blockquote> | Specifies a long quotation | |
<body> | Specifies the body element | |
<br> | Inserts a single line break | |
<button> | Specifies a push button | |
<canvas> | Define graphics | NEW |
<caption> | Specifies a table caption | |
<cite> | Specifies a citation | |
<code> | Specifies computer code text | |
<col> | Specifies attributes for table columns | |
<colgroup> | Specifies groups of table columns | |
<command> | Specifies a command | NEW |
<data> | Allows for machine-readable data to be provided | NEW |
<datagrid> | Allows for an interactive representation of tree, list, or tabular data | NEW |
<datalist> | Specifies an "autocomplete" dropdown list | NEW |
<dd> | Specifies a definition description | |
<del> | Specifies deleted text | |
<details> | Specifies details of an element | NEW |
<dfn> | Defines a definition term | |
<div> | Specifies a section in a document | |
<dl> | Specifies a definition list | |
<dt> | Specifies a definition term | |
<em> | Specifies emphasized text | |
<embed> | Specifies external application or interactive content | NEW |
<eventsource> | Specifies a target for events sent by a server | NEW |
<fieldset> | Specifies a fieldset | |
<figcaption> | Specifies caption for the figure element. | NEW |
<figure> | Specifies a group of media content, and their caption | NEW |
<footer> | Specifies a footer for a section or page | NEW |
<form> | Specifies a form | |
<h1> | Specifies a heading level 1 | |
<h2> | Specifies a heading level 2 | |
<h3> | Specifies a heading level 3 | |
<h4> | Specifies a heading level 4 | |
<h5> | Specifies a heading level 5 | |
<h6> | Specifies a heading level 6 | |
<head> | Specifies information about the document | |
<header> | Specifies a group of introductory or navigational aids, including hgroup elements | NEW |
<hgroup> | Specifies a header for a section or page | NEW |
<hr> | Specifies a horizontal rule | |
<html> | Specifies an html document | |
<i> | Specifies italic text | |
<iframe> | Specifies an inline sub window (frame) | |
<img> | Specifies an image | |
<input> | Specifies an input field | |
<ins> | Specifies inserted text | |
<kbd> | Specifies keyboard text | |
<keygen> | Generates a key pair | NEW |
<label> | Specifies a label for a form control | |
<legend> | Specifies a title in a fieldset | |
<li> | Specifies a list item | |
<link> | Specifies a resource reference | |
<mark> | Specifies marked text | NEW |
<map> | Specifies an image map | |
<menu> | Specifies a menu list | |
<meta> | Specifies meta information | |
<meter> | Specifies measurement within a predefined range | NEW |
<nav> | Specifies navigation links | NEW |
<noscript> | Specifies a noscript section | |
<object> | Specifies an embedded object | |
<ol> | Specifies an ordered list | |
<optgroup> | Specifies an option group | |
<option> | Specifies an option in a drop-down list | |
<output> | Specifies some types of output | NEW |
<p> | Specifies a paragraph | |
<param> | Specifies a parameter for an object | |
<pre> | Specifies preformatted text | |
<progress> | Specifies progress of a task of any kind | NEW |
<q> | Specifies a short quotation | |
<ruby> | Specifies a ruby annotation (used in East Asian typography) | NEW |
<rp> | Used for the benefit of browsers that don't support ruby annotations | NEW |
<rt> | Specifies the ruby text component of a ruby annotation. | NEW |
<s> | Indicates text that's no longer accurate or relevant. | |
<samp> | Specifies sample computer code | |
<script> | Specifies a script | |
<section> | Specifies a section | NEW |
<select> | Specifies a selectable list | |
<small> | Specifies small text | |
<source> | Specifies media resources | NEW |
<span> | Specifies a section in a document | |
<strong> | Specifies strong text | |
<style> | Specifies a style definition | |
<sub> | Specifies subscripted text | |
<summary> | Specifies a summary / caption for the <details> element | NEW |
<sup> | Specifies superscripted text | |
<table> | Specifies a table | |
<tbody> | Specifies a table body | |
<td> | Specifies a table cell | |
<textarea> | Specifies a text area | |
<tfoot> | Specifies a table footer | |
<th> | Specifies a table header | |
<thead> | Specifies a table header | |
<time> | Specifies a date/time | NEW |
<title> | Specifies the document title | |
<tr> | Specifies a table row | |
<track> | Specifies a text track for media such as video and audio | NEW |
<u> | Specifies text with a non-textual annotation. | |
<ul> | Specifies an unordered list | |
<var> | Specifies a variable | |
<video> | Specifies a video | NEW |
<wbr> | Specifies a line break opportunity for very long words and strings of text with no spaces. | NEWv |